Archive for April, 2015

Vietnam : The Markets

April 23rd, 2015

There is a saying in Vietnam ‘in our country we believe that your quality of life depends on how much you enjoy your food.  To be satisfied with our food is our top priority‘, and I total agree. Vietnamese cuisine can be described as 3 countries in one bowl, the North, Centre and South, each…

Halong Bay : The Beautiful.

April 21st, 2015

I’ve been to many, many places in my life, but nothing, absolutely nothing prepared me for the wonder of this magical place. The Vietnamese legend says the Dragon ascended in Hanoi and descended here amongst the limestone outcrops dotting the ocean….. incredible. Welcomed aboard, The Bhaya Classic II, with a song from the crew, up…

Vietnam : Oi! Hanoi!

April 19th, 2015

When I was asked to escort 28 people through Vietnam, I never really thought about the country, but spent most of my time thinking about the food – typical! So I really wasn’t prepared for the sight of 1000’s of motorbikes, cars, pushbikes, people and our laborious bus, weaving through traffic, having arrived in chaotic, exotic…